2015-04-26      Endurance - Castrezzato

Akhal Teke Endurance

Meliia, Madjima and Miskhan ran excellent races at Castrezzato which saw the largest field of competitors assembled in Italy in the last 4 years.

Meliia won another podium finish with a stunning 3rd place in the 30km category.

Madjima ran a superb 60km race somewhat disguised by the official classification.  She finished 20th out of 62 competitors but with a final heart rate and recovery times which would have seen her on the podium she had tackled the first half of the race at full speed.

Miskhan, unfortunately limited to a maximum speed of 16kmh, raced in his first 90km race and placed a most impressive 7th out of 31 competitors.

All three horses will only improve and are are impatient to see what the rest of the season will bring.


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