2015-07-19      Endurance - Torgnon 18th Trophy of the Big Mountains

Akhal-Teke Endurance

Torgnon is the high point of the Italian Endurance season and at over 2000m it is also the highest race in the Italian endurance calendar.  The low oxygen levels at this altitude put particular stress on the horses and also unprepared riders and it the past this stunningly beautiful course has also seen fatalities.

Medeus brought one horse this year, our star stallion Damysus who has never been anywhere near this altitide in his life, had had limited training on mountainous terrrainand was to race in his first 60km race.  He was also the youngest horse in his category.

His results were fantastic, he placed 3rd with a superb heart rate of 37 and he was the only in any of the categories beyond the Debuttant races with an absolutely perfect veterinary card!  The reign of the Arabian horses across the endurance world will soon come to an end.


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